Ghost Busters tattoo nightmares

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My client comes to one of the largest tattoo shows in the country Philly Tattoo Expo and ask me to cover up some thick old writing from his past with one of my favorite characters as a child …Slimer from ghost Busters

  1. robert wallace says

    big gus has lost a lot of weight

  2. Janet Williams says

    Awesome job dude.

  3. Patrick OBrien says


  4. Melinda Louise Gonzalez says

    Love your work Big Gus

  5. Luiz Gustavo says

    Beautiful big gus, Corumbá MS (Brasil).

  6. sandman commeth says

    Great tattoo! WTF is with the little mermaid t-shirt?

  7. Tenticle Ass says

    That tattoo looking clean as af

  8. TATMONEY says


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