Recent Multimillionaire FLIRTS With Her Tattoo Fixer?! | Tattoo Fixers

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Tattoo Fixers are shocked to find out that the flirty client is actually a multimillionaire!
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  1. E4 says

    What would you do with 4 million pounds??
    Watch the full episode here:

  2. Missy B says

    Remember seeing this trans on Jeremy Kyle & also has a random YouTube channel

  3. Dewpiedie says

    Hey 11th comment BY THE WAI

  4. Jon Cook says

    When she said fallen angel he really wanted to laugh

  5. abbie wilson says

    mayyyyyoooo mayyyyyooooo mels got mayo do you really want some

  6. Mr Screamer says

    All that money won, all that money spent on operations to change sex … and she couldn't find a few grand to sort those horrible teeth out.

  7. gurudeclan says


  8. sean clements says

    Thats a man

    I knew it…

  9. THE ONE says

    Start a youtube channel and buy a lot of fifa points

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