Best Tattoo Cover Ups part 1

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Best Tattoo Cover Ups 2015 – 2016, World Class- Multi Award Winning Tattoo art, Over 60 tattoo artwork by Ladislav Hacel
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  1. Geoffrey Tester says

    Did any of these tattoo coverups have laser treatment before ?

    Or as seen in the photo

  2. Thomas Kanns says

    I would like a cover up from the cover up!

  3. Jeffrey Johnson says

    Maybe next time you do a video you should slow down so people can really look at it, nice work anyway

  4. Frank Strange says

    They suck ass

  5. iNtriGa says

    good job

  6. Ultimate Tensile says

    The old tattoos look wank compared to the modern one's lol

  7. NKN E. says

    I need a cover up tattoo. This is great work.

  8. Joseph Roda says

    You have shop in Cebu Philippines sir?

  9. Joseph Roda says

    Where is your shop sir?

  10. Dieter Deschacht says

    The only thing i would be worried about is that the tattoo underneath will be more visible when healed. I wish to do one soon but want to get bad results in a few weeks..
    Love your videos!

  11. never back down says

    Tribal will show through easily when healed

  12. night crow says

    Since the tattoos were really well detailed there was probably a lot of blood :>

  13. MOST FEARLESS says

    Good work

  14. Ch Martin says

    What's the tune

  15. Mike M says

    This second tribal you have transformed in Warrior with the ax is incredible…that gives me hope

  16. The Media says

    Is cover up possible for all tattoos, or are some just to much to cover up?

  17. Mairin Sheary says

    A. Why is someone covering up zeppelin?!?!
    B. This artist is phenomenal

  18. Jim Wray says

    This is amazing work. Thank you for sharing. I'm assuming the price range for your work on the more detailed drawing ranges to 2-3k?

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