Tattoo Ideas for Strength and Guidance

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Getting a tattoo representing strength and guidance is an excellent choice. It can apply to personal areas of your life where guidance and being strong are necessary, favourable qualities to represent. But what tattoo should you get to represent these qualities? Here are some great ideas:

The Star tattoo

Specifically the nautical star tat, but there are now many variations of this to choose from. Sailors used to get inked with the nautical star as a symbol of guidance and strength to find there way safely home from battle.

Nowadays you will see many mixed martial arts fighters with the star tattoo as a symbol to guide them safely through their own chosen form of battle.
We all have personal battles and goals where we could use a strong dose of direction in finding our way. Star ink can be an excellent way to represent a strong and positive direction.

The Dragon tattoo

A dragon tattoo can be a powerful, elaborate and even beautiful symbol of strength. It can also provide guidance and forging ahead through its fire breathing capabilities, knocking down negative forces in its path.

Dragon tattoos are great, strong, and as said beautiful and elaborate images that are very powerful to the eye. Everyone notices a dragon tattoo and even takes time to take in its powerful presence on the skin.

Whether you choose a star, dragon, or another strength tattoo, be sure to research all the different design variations available. You can have a dragon or star in many different forms, from traditional to tribal, to something much more modern and elaborate.

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