10 Ways to Make Money With Body Painting

Are you considering making a living (or at least a little money on the side) doing body painting? Is it even possible to make a living doing body painting? Yes, you can make good money as a 'pro' body painter, and even kids as young as…

Hottest Shoulder Tattoo Ideas for Men

Shoulders are one of the most common places to get a tattoo. But a shoulder tattoo looks especially good if you are well-toned and muscular in a frame, this way a shoulder tattoo only enhances your sex appeal. There are some common designs…

The Four Types Of A Modern-Day Hippie

The popular hippie counterculture that started back in the 1960s were indeed so popular that up until now, the concept and the culture still manage to live on. However, the years have changed the counterculture a lot as well. Despite the…

Tattoo Ideas for Strength and Guidance

Getting a tattoo representing strength and guidance is an excellent choice. It can apply to personal areas of your life where guidance and being strong are necessary, favourable qualities to represent. But what tattoo should you get to…

Why Are Stretched Earlobes So Popular?

According to archaeological findings, earlobe stretching has been popular for many millennia, so why has it been such an enduring means of ear decoration? Or have earlobes always been stretched just for decoration, or have there been other…