"Beautiful Disaster" Tattoo

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tattoos are funnn!

  1. Flavius Constantinus says

    you are beautiful, but your tattoo sucks a lot!

  2. Valentin Rusetsky says

    I just can´t get enough from you baby..I am a straight guy and i LOOOOOOOVE YOU!!

  3. Schlowm 13 says

    the tat is pretty sweet.. i freaking love tats… i wish i had unlimited money for them haha

    oh and by the way… beautiful barely does you any justice at all :):)

  4. Calder Bennetts says

    why are most of ur vids just you ranting at some1? dont worry be happeh

  5. bonifagurl says

    @0322Fashion Thank you 🙂

  6. 0322Fashion says

    u are sooo pretty i want you to be my best friend 🙂

  7. anarky4321 says

    @Ironzealot7531 "Seriously, I'm pretty much straight though I have had sex with guys once or twice," i fucking lol'd dude

  8. bonifagurl says

    @anomalyworld My channel is NOT a fetish channel. Ew.

  9. bonifagurl says

    @CxRax Actually my measurments are 32" A-25" waist and 36" hips. failllll.

  10. bonifagurl says

    @daemonsterr245 No.

  11. UltraMegaMango says

    Random ass pictures in the end

  12. bonifagurl says

    @ANOTHERHOLEINYOHEAD Right… but some people are too dumb/ignorant to understand that -.-

  13. nordicskibunny says

    WHAT? You are aspiring to do porn? HUH? Since when…thats awful, you are so much more than that. I am shocked and little disappointed but whatevs.

  14. bonifagurl says

    @Ironzealot7531 I know, however, you said "I'm pretty much straight", insinuating that men who date TS are not straight. My boyfriend is very much straight.

  15. bonifagurl says

    @Ironzealot7531 Well, thank you lol. I'm on hormones but have always been pretty fem looking. I only date straight guys.

  16. bonifagurl says

    @MzBUZZKILINGTON I'm sorry?


    I can't watch these vids makes me feel so crappy about my transition. Good for you starting early and a feminine body/face.

  18. theycallmeGIORGIO says

    @bonifagurl 18 and legal….hahaha

  19. bonifagurl says

    @b33z33420 18 🙂

  20. Issac Corral says

    I would date you 🙂

  21. bonifagurl says

    @cabitothekid Ohhh lol. Either is fine.

  22. cabitothekid says

    @bonifagurl well is not like ur official page y guess didnt have to send u a friendrequest…

  23. bonifagurl says

    @cabitothekid haha, feel free to add me 🙂

  24. cabitothekid says

    @bonifagurl yeah…i found ur page in facebook so….see ya…take care

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