Life Insurance Sales Humor Jokes Or Reality? You Might Just Be an Insurance Redneck

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Most life insurance sales representatives radiate a personality anything but ordinary. Since it is not a joke or humor, the life insurance sales rep’s traits appear a reality. You might just be a life insurance redneck, blue neck, or peacock.

If it not already so obvious, start watching the reaction of people around you. You might just be an insurance redneck if.

1. The name of your dog is commission.

2. You arrive at a client’s house driving a funeral Hurst.

3. Your hero is your uncle, a pathologist.

4. Favorite number games involve solving actuarial tables.

5. Your wrist bracelet is coffin shaped.

6. You neighbor walks away from getting the mail, when you pull up.

7. You pester your minister or priest for referrals

8. You drop a business card in the church collection plate.

9. You annually sponsor the neighborhood blood drive.

10. You wear a business suit throughout your summer vacation.

11. Hanging out at the party story waiting for lottery winners is considered prospecting.

12. The tattoo on your forearm shouts out, “The End is Near.”

13. Jehovah witnesses close their drapes when they spot you walking.

14. Your spouse will only introduce friends to you by their first name

15. You mix up the travel briefcase with your bigger briefcase of customer brochures.

16. Nightmare outbursts occur after seeing client faces in, “Night of the Living Dead,”

17. Your Cadillac car lease has higher payments than your home.

18. You buy deodorant and stomach relaxers by the caseload.

19. Your local gas station gives you free breathe mints with every gas tank fill-up.

20. You car always has two extra spare tires.

21. You send clients birthday cards with big birthday reminder numbers on them.

22. The purchase of pens is made by mileage, not looks or price.

23. You go to the funeral flower drop off sites to get future prospects elegant flower gifts.

24. The kid’s allowance is based on commissions earned.

25. The church has banned you from receiving their membership address directory.

26. Neighbors stick together, on the outlook for when you are not home.

27. 25 years ago, you got two fingers for peace, now you only get one.

28. The Chamber of Commerce will impeach you if you introduce yourself

29. Pigeons have made your car their favorite neighborhood target.

30. You car has radar for spotting bikes, baby carriages, and tike toys

31. You don’t have enough money to purchase insurance on yourself.

If you think there is no humor in these 31 jokes examples, you must be a square headed life insurance representative. Who is smarter than the world’s squarest headed life insurance representative? If you are not the absolute redneck, you probably know the answer.

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