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Maori Tattoo Designs – Unveiling Their Occult Inner Meanings
Avoiding Common Mistakes
If you are in search for your unique Maori tattoo design, it is well-advised to be aware of some factors related to the Maori culture to avoid some of the common mistakes people use to make when approaching these…
Frangipani Tattoo – Big Tattoo Ideas For Enthusiasts
If you want to get a body tattoo but still, you have not decided on any particular tattoo design, you may try checking out the frangipani tattoo which is very popularly known for being a distinctly unique tattoo design. This article will…
Top 3 Cool And Sexy Tattoos for Men – Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Guys
Whether you admit it or not, one of the very reasons why men want to get a tattoo in the first place is to be attractive to the ladies. We want to look cool yet sexy at the same time and we believe that an amazing piece of skin art can help…
Sexy Heart Tattoo Ideas For the Women and Cool Looking Heart Tattoo Designs For Men
Typically when a person thinks of a heart tattoo they will think of the classic valentine looking heart with a banner flying across it that says, mom. That is the common image of heart tattoo designs that most people hold in their head.…
How To Add To A Sexy Look With Nipple Rings and Accessories
Nipple jewellery allows all women the heighten the sense of sexiness! Be erotic.
For some, this jewellery by itself is easy to create a hot new look. Smokin'!
Are you new too nipple jewellery? It's all non-piercing!
Ladies looking for…
Flower Rib Tattoos – 5 Beautiful Flower Tattoo Designs on the Rib Cage
Rib Cage tattoos are on the rage right now as a lot of tat enthusiasts are getting themselves inked on the side part of their body. With rib area is having the ability to accommodate ample and intricate tat designs, it is no wonder why this…
Women’s Tattoo Ideas – How to Find the Perfect Location
When you're first thinking about getting a tattoo, and start looking around for women's tattoo ideas, the location can be the hardest thing to decide on. Do you want a discreet tattoo only you or a loved one will know about, do you need to…
Fleur De Lis Facts
Rich in history and legendary, the Fleur de Lis is one of the most recognized symbols across the world. Representing either a lily or an iris, its motif comes to us from a distant past and to this day remains a mystery as to its origins.…
Men Choose Botox For Sweatox
For many men, the summer brings with it the potential for embarrassment. The soaring temperatures can be the source of great discomfort for commuters and office workers alike, in the form of excessive perspiration. Unsightly stains around…
The Coolest Forearm Tattoo Designs For Men
The forearm in the past was typically not the first place a person would get a tattoo design. However, one of the hottest and rapidly growing trends right now are literary or word tattoo designs and these work so well as great-looking…