Mistaken ——————————————————— The Adamson Family Series Book 1 • This one was a d…

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The Adamson Family Series Book 1

This one was a doozy lol
There was so much hate, drama, built up tension all for the cause of some crazy low life who thought they could get away with it.

Sorry went on a rant for hot second lol, seriously though I called it from the beginning. I knew I’m my bones there had to be someone behind the scenes causing problems. But holy hell the build up to the conclusion was massively scaring and intense.
Chris and Amy have literally been on the ride of there lives but so glad it ended the way it did.
\Short story//
Troubled tattoo artist taking on the legacy of a grandfather and not his own fathers love for the track fell in love with the girl he grew up with ended up getting married moving away only to supposedly him finding her in there bed drunk from a house party they threw of a guy standing over top of her but Brother Levi came to save the day or so he thought. Til a bug was dropped in Chris’s ear and he walked in on his brother and wife in the bedroom with her clothes a mess and him over her……… fast forward they became divorced, Amy became a physical therapist trainer for the race track with the Adamson Family still in contact other than Chris who is owner of his own tattoo shop with the blazing hate to his family and even more her.
There’s two sides to every story though right???
Now go read to really get the answers I swear it’s a great read♥️
-Side note I have the hots for Levi-
(Lol he’s book 2 which will be told on another day)

Have you read any of the Adamsons series books?
Who’s your favorite??
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